She thinks video blogging is more worth pursuing compared to podcasting. "Because you'll manage to gain a lot more skills when you do it. Aside from content, you have to contend with editing. Both have their uses and both can be used for educating and entertaining people, making videos though allows you to: (1) easily expand the content you want to showcase, having visuals helps a lot; (2) reach more people since the platform is more popular; (3) acquire more skills and grow with the platform (and you can have different styles too); and (4) if you're aim is to become popular, then you have just managed to essentially launch yourself as an internet star."
When Aileen launched You Got Tech, her main objective for making a vlog is to learn how to edit videos . "I've been wanting to do that for several years already, I just couldn't find the right motivation and enrolling in school is quite expensive. I just had to find the right avenue which I would be comfortable doing. At this point I cannot imagine myself doing an entertainment vlog. That's my personal mission behind You Got Tech, to learn and have people learn with me."
For those planning to venture into vlogging, here is what Aileen had to learn to improve her video blogging skills. She had to:
- Get over being camera shy and psyche herself up not to be conscious about speaking in front of a camera;
- Think about how to present content through video blogging;
- Learn how to capture a video properly using a digital camera where she had to tweak some stuff on it; and
- Learn how to do video editing. Whenever Aileen is stumped on something, she ask around.
In the recent iBlog4: The 4th Philippine Blogging Summit, Coy Caballes (interview) and Aileen Apolo shared their thoughts on vlog and podcasting prospects in the Philippines.
(Presentation about Podcasting)
(Presentation about Vlogging)
(Q&A at iBlog4)
Aileen's favorite podcast and vlogs
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