As I was updating the podcast lessons in our
Blogging from Home online workshop, I realized that Yahoo Podcast is no longer there. It is now replaced by
Yahoo Audio Search. What caught me by surprise though is that the old url, if typed, points to an error page instead of being re-directed to the new site.
(Steve Souders will likely shake his head for sure if he finds out although he is now with Google.)
The site allows you to
submit and search for podcast. I noticed though that its archive of mp3 podcast files (perhaps a link but it was immediately downloadable then) in its old version is no longer there as I tried searching for past
podcast episodes in it. The directory entries can be found though especially if you submitted to various sites.
I am now in the process of creating a podcast site and will get to try submitting an entry for it soon.
P.S. This is also meant to update page 20 of Blogging from Home book.