But now, I have to remove my notion of food as:
- Reward - don't splurge on food as a means to reward myself.
- Consolation - don't use food as a perk me up.
- Love - don't use food as a means to express or demonstrate love.
- Comfort - don't use food to cope with stress or heavy emotion.
- Celebration - don't use food as a default means to celebrate special events.
- Loneliness - don't use food as a companion when I am lonely.
- Laziness - don't use food eating as an activity when I don't want to do anything else.
October 31
I partnered with a fitness coach to support what they want to accomplish with their programs. A long time connection / client, this opportunity kept showing up whenever I contemplate on my health. Becoming active in this field will be of great help to the personal transformation I am aiming for.